Wednesday 15 September 2010

September Update

Once more the time has simply flown by! In fact, I have no idea where August disappeared and by this rate the September will be gone too in no time. Scary.

But, I have some good news!
Since my pages went online on the and especially since this newsletter came out last Tuesday, I've been so busy making owls, mice, hearts etc! Finally I feel that the things have picked up and it is SO exciting!

And then if I wasn't over the moon already I got a wholesale enquiry from a very well know shop in London and it seems like I am getting an order in! I won't announce the deal yet, just in case it falls through and I would feel really stupid if I've already mentioned it here to the world (hahaa, especially since the readership of this blog is so vast!), but I will as soon as I get an order through.

Egg Cosies in making – nothing to do with the text, but the colours are fun!

So basically I'll be very, very busy for the next few months, but I have no complaints, it is great to be busy and feel that all that hard work over the past few months (years!) are finally bearing some nice fruit and I suppose I have to conclude that anything is possible with a lot of work, and then a whole lot more work with enormous amount of faith in what you do, and a little bit of good luck :)


  1. That is fantastic news that orders are rolling in! Of course I always knew it was just a matter of time - after all who could resist the Mirjami clan!

    BTW Any plans to produce bears in kilts? I was watching Four Wedding and a Funeral over the weekend and it got me thinking.

    Good luck,

  2. Thank's KK!

    To make Bears with kilts or jackets from tartan has been on my list for over a year now, but I just haven't had the time to do enything else about it than think about it!

    Hopefully one day I get my acts together....:)

  3. Happy to read this update!

    Fingers crossed,
    love äiti :)

  4. Aiti – let's hope that the next update will be even better!

    And thanks sis! Taytyykin pian soitella.

  5. Good to hear things are rolling forward and cute animals are getting good, caring homes!

    Good luck and have a busy yet enjoyable autumn!

  6. Have a good autumn too Susina and I'm just about to 'announce' even better news!
    It is going to be busy, busy run up to Christmas!
